No Plan is a Plan – The Importance of Financial Planning

Dephine MazambaniIn discussions with colleagues, a number of them are disinterested in financial planning given what happened in 2008. Savings were eroded, pensions were lost and most the financial instruments which people invested in were rendered useless. The attitude that most Zimbabweans are taking is ‘let me live for today...

Common Causes of Business

Clive MphambelaCommon Causes of SMEs Business FailureClive MphambelaNumerous SMEs close shop nearly every day. It is estimated that 80% of all small businesses fail within the first year of operation and as much as 90% of all small enterprises fail within the first two years of operation, primarily because many...

A Slightly Broader View of Money

Clive MphambelaThe evolution of modern money as we know with all its desired characteristics of stability, transferability, credibility, liquidity, divisibility and so on has taken several years of iterative behaviour by economic agents. It however accepted that the narrow version of money that we dissected in our last installment needs...

Signed Code of Banking Practice

BAZPlease find the Signed Code of Banking Practice document here.

Banks: The Engine that drives the economy

Sanderson AbelBanks have come a long way from the temples of the ancient world, when they played a pivotal role in keeping empires and countries afloat. Although history has altered the finer points of the business model, the bank's purpose, for a long time, has remained that of protecting depositor’s...

Consequences of Low National Savings

Sanderson AbelSaving is the process of setting aside a portion of current income for future use. The resources accumulated in this way over a given period of time are referred to as “savings”. Savings may take the form of bank deposits and cash holdings or securities. How much individuals save...

Credit and the Banking Sector

Sanderson AbelIt is important to realize that efficient allocation of savings through identification and funding of entrepreneurs with the best chances of successfully implementing innovative products and production processes are tools to achieve the growth objective as enunciated in the Zim Asset Program. With an average growth projection of 7.3...

Domestic savings are key in reducing interest rates

Sanderson AbelThe debate around the efficacy of the financial institutions in Zimbabwe has been going on since the introduction of the multicurrency system in 2009. The main argument that has been put forward at various forums and in various forms, is the suggestion that the banks have been charging very...

How to avoid defaulting on your loan?

Sanderson AbelEconomic conditions in a country determine, the quality of clients that banks will acquire. In stable economies, bank clients are of good quality and a credit culture is well established in the society. This in turn makes it possible to maintain relatively low levels of Non-Performing Loans. In developing...

Importance of Repaying Bank Loans

Sanderson AbelBorrowing from the bank is important from an individual perspective or from an organizational perspective.  However, all borrowings from whatever source; banks, credit stores, microfinance institutions etc. must be repaid. The ability of economic agents to repaying their loans establishes good track record and credit history. It is very...

Role of Banks in Savings Mobilization

Sanderson AbelThe Zimbabwean economy has undergone tremendous changes in the last decade and a half against the backdrop of rapid de industrialization and informalisation of the economy. The rapid pace of transformation has created new demands as well as new opportunities for business. For the banking sector, the changes have called...

Role of Banks in Strengthening International Trade

Sanderson AbelInternational Trade shapes our everyday lives and the world we live in. In nearly every instance that we make a purchase or sale, we are participating in the global economy. Whole products and or their component parts come to our store shelves from all over the world. Most international...

Role of Banks in Strengthening International Trade

Sanderson AbelInternational Trade shapes our everyday lives and the world we live in. In nearly every instance that we make a purchase or sale, we are participating in the global economy. Whole products and or their component parts come to our store shelves from all over the world. Most international...

Agriculture Financing

Dephine MazambaniAs We Prepare For the Next Agriculture Season......As a nation, Zimbabwe has always been found wanting on preparing for the agriculture season. Inputs seem to come way after the season has started. Even when inputs are available, sometimes farmers do not have the finance to access the required inputs....

Promoting a Savings Culture in Zimbabwe Indispensable

Dephine MazambaniSince time immemorial, generations have been saving. And going down the memory lane, lessons can be learnt from the Zunde raMambo concept from the Zimbabwean tradition where the kings store and preserve a strategic reserve of food to help people in times of need. The concept of matura (silos)...