Chapter 1
Chapter One Introduction There have been many discussions,
accusations and counteraccusations on how the banking sector in Zimbabwe has
short-changed its customers. Both depositors and borrowers have poured their
hearts out on how the intermediation role that banks play has failed to support
their wealth creation aspirations. Sadly, savers have...
Chapter 3
Chapter 3IntroductionIn Chapter 2, I wrote about the need to save for a rainy day. There are many shiny days in a year, but miserable days will come just like the sun rises from the east every day. Therefore, we all must make provisions for those miserable days. Yes, financial...
Chapter 13
Chapter 13In Chapter 12, our savings tip was how you can determine your capacity to save. We talked about the need to have a detailed list of your mandatory expenses. You will most likely be shocked when you do this diligently. For a month I embarked on the tedious task of...
Chapter 8
Chapter 8IntroductionIn Chapter 7, I wrote about how savings can help you create a network. Savings help you build your net worth which in turn is one way of building your network. Society is attracted to wealthy people hence you will find that once you are wealthy it is easier...
Chapter 11
Chapter 11IntroductionIn Chapter 10, I wrote about how big purchases are possible through savings. Big purchases are almost always the biggest driver for savings. For most of us, our earnings are normally not enough to pay for say, a house, a car, university fees or for investing in a business...
Chapter 2
Chapter 2Introduction In Chapter 1 I introduced the subject of
Savings and emphasized how critical savings are to any Country, Company and/or
individual. I did emphasize the point that while consumption drives economic
growth, savings are the precursor to consumption hence the famous adage, “you
eat what you kill”. There...
Chapter 10
Chapter 10IntroductionIn Chapter 9, I discussed one of the traditional reasons for savings which remains relevant today. To earn interest and grow your savings while you wait to invest in whatever you are saving for. I however noted that interest is only receivable on savings accounts. Except in special circumstances,...
Chapter 6
Chapter 6IntroductionIn Chapter 5, I wrote about how wealthy individuals, successful companies as well as rich countries always have a seat on the top table. I noted that this is not always because of their superior ideation but their deep pockets. It follows therefore, that one way of gaining respect...
Chapter 4
Chapter 4IntroductionJust to quickly recap, in Chapter 3, I wrote about the need to save for payment of school fees. I explained how payment of school fees should never be an emergency as the due dates for payment of fees are determinable from the date a child is conceived. I...
Chapter 9
Chapter 9IntroductionIn Chapter 8, I wrote about how saving is important in capital raising. I stressed how savings reduce the debt burden of projects. I noted how savers are able to fund banks to enable them to lend money to other individuals or companies that have great ideas but require...
Chapter 12
Chapter 12In Chapter 11 I wrote about savings as a way of avoiding mental health challenges that come with financial challenges. We noted that many life challenges originate from financial challenges while non-financial challenges can be made easier if one has financial stability. We also noted that money is definitely...
Chapter 7
Chapter 7IntroductionIn Chapter 6, I wrote about how savings can fulfil philanthropic goals. I am inspired by the quote from Judith Faulkner which says, “My goal in pledging 99% of my assets to philanthropy is to help others with roots – food, warmth, shelter, healthcare, education – so they too...